Friday, September 6, 2013

Jungle Pants Take Manhattan

This is it.  T-minus 8 hours until takeoff.  At this point, all the things I wanted or have forgotten to do before leaving have been rendered obsolete by lack of time.  I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.
We are flying out of JFK, so yesterday I got a chance to explore, albeit briefly, The City.  As we rode the ferry from Staten Island, where we are staying, over to Manhattan one of my friends texted me jokingly that he heard that NY is just like Montana.  If you replace all the mountains with buildings and all the cows with people, I suppose this is true.  Generally cities are not where I feel the most at home, but I felt even more out of place because, of course, all I had to wear were jungle clothes, which don’t blend in well in one of the most fashionable cities in the U.S. 

(I guess I should be grateful that at least my jungle pants don’t look like this guy’s however.)

I suppose it’s rather an interesting juxtaposition to get to see Ellis Island one day and then leave the US for nearly four months the next.  I’m not sure if any of my relatives came through Ellis Island on their way into this country, but a lot of people did, so it was fitting to have one of my last views of the U.S. for nearly the rest of 2013 be what the first view was for many others.  So long good ole U. S. of A.—I’ll be back.

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